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Ten Good News About Coronavirus (One Year Later) | بلاگ

Ten Good News About Coronavirus (One Year Later)

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Ten Good News About Coronavirus (One Year Later)

Twelve months ago the good news about the pandemic was scarce. Today, although there is still a long way to go, the light is already visible at the end of the tunnel.
A year ago I wrote an article titled Ten Good News About Coronavirus. The goal was to show that science, knowledge and cooperation are essential to fight the pandemic. We do not know what will happen in the coming months and the new genetic variants are cause for uncertainty, but a year later the message is the same: advances in science encourage us to be optimistic and to see the glass half full.

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    نویسنده : حسین بازدید : 361 تاريخ : دوشنبه 11 اسفند 1399 ساعت: 4:50